Thursday, November 11, 2010

What was I thinking???

So I'm supposed to run a 10k in Central Park the first week of December...I have even planned an entire trip to the city around this race.  When I signed up a few months ago, I thought, sure this will be easy.  I ran a half marathon in February; if I can run 13.1, I can definitely run 6.2.  Done.  Sign me up.  Silly me forgot to factor in the fact that I stopped running for almost 2 months after my half marathon because I just needed a break and wanted to WANT to run, not just do it because I felt I HAD to run.  Then came the summer time when I was completely slammed at work, working crazy hours so the last thing I wanted to do was go run in sometimes 100+ degree weather.  These are all excuses.  Fall finally came along and I stepped outside to start my running routine up again...funny thing about stopping running and expecting to pick it right up again.  You don't.  I worked hard to get into half marathon shape and I was no longer at that level. 

What did I do?  I turned to the Internet, found a half marathon training plan that happened to run along with getting in my mileage to prepare for my 10k.  I'm now 3 weeks into training and 3 weeks away from my 10k.  There are days I sit here and think, what in the world have I gotten myself into?  Is it too late to back out?  Answer:  An amazing and fun weekend; and YES, it's too late to back out.  This is also what I love about races:  once you sign up and pay the fee, you are committed.  For better or worse.  Another thing that's great about races: an excuse to travel.  I get to go to NYC and see the tree lit up and experience the energy, shopping, food and everything else the city has to offer because lets be real - there's always something new to find in NYC.  So google races in a city you have always wanted to check out.  If you are aiming for a certain distance - google the distance and see what races come up.  Pick a race, sign up, find a training plan, find fun things to do and explore during your trip and get ready for your next adventure! 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck lady! and don't let Megan convince you that she will "run with you"
