Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring is in Richmond!

I woke up this morning to an absolutely gorgeous day in Richmond - a little crisp, cool air in the morning but with plenty of sunshine and warmth on my face.  It's official, spring has come to favorite time of year!  The only thing that would make it better is football, but we can't have everything we want. :)  My knee has been bothering lately...apparently I haven't been babying my knee enough and it's time to build the muscles back up around my knee, but the new thing is my ankle hurting.  I'm guessing it's time for new shoes.

Anyway, this morning brought me back to Flatwater for a run and it couldn't have been more fabulous.  One of the reasons I love this run so much is that I get to run next to the river for 3 1/2 glorious miles.  I have always loved being in or around water - to me, it's very calming and it helps me to straighten out my thoughts when things are bothering me.  I'm also a multi-tasker (just a hint, if you salsa dance, don't listen to that music while you run, otherwise you may find your feet trying to do the salsa moves while running...this usually ends in an almost face plant, based on my experience) so while I was listening to my ipod, I'm staring at the river marveling at the water.  Don't get me wrong, I took Science and Physics in school, I understand water and how it moves but it still shocks me, and makes me want to be more like water.  I know, this sounds weird.  However as I'm running, I'm watching the water, how the wind affects it, speeds up, slows down, splits to go around large masses, goes above rocks, etc.  No matter what life throws at me, I want to be able to speed up, slow down, move around or above objects and not let anything stand in my way.  How can we all be more like the river water?

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