Thursday, June 23, 2011

Do Life DC & Reflections on 27

It's official; 27 is over.  I have always maintained I'm not sorry for anything in my past and I wouldn't change any of the good or the bad in my life because it has made me the person I am today.  That being said, I was so glad to see my 27th year come to an end.  This year has been hard and filled with lots of tears - more so than probably years 20 - 26 and I'm ready for a change and I'm ready for 28 to start kicking some butt.  Don't get me wrong, it hasn't all been bad - I've had some fun trips and memories, I've learned a lot about myself, other people and what I'm willing to accept and what I refuse to accept any less of - especially in friendships.  I've seen some friendships go that I didn't think would ever happen but I've learned a lot from those hard times and tears.  I also saw my niece turn 1.  Did you seriously think I wouldn't post something about her?  Seeing her little personality evolve has been such an amazing blessing and she has shown me what is to love someone, unconditionally, from the beginning.  There's been so much more but I'm choosing to learn from 27 and look forward to the adventures of 28!  My friend Dave names his years each birthday and I think I'm going to take a page from his book.  This is going to be the year of Elaine.  Stay tuned to find out what that means.

How did I end 27, you might be asking yourself?  With the Do Life tour in DC, of course.  I left work early and headed up to meet Erica at her house and then hopped onto the Metro to head into the city.  Getting off at the Smithsonian, we had to take a bit of a walk to the WWII memorial but we found Jed and Pa in front (I actually spotted them from a distance when Erica and I were searching for the meetup point.  I mean, they're hard to miss.)  They pointed us in the direction of the meetup and we even saw another person from the NYC 5k!  Before it was time to run, we headed across the street to get a picture of the group (75 people!) in front of the National Monument. 

Then it was time to run/jog/walk the route in the 90 degree heat with about 90% humidity.  My friend Jenn also made it for the 5k!!

I started off running but the heat was just too much, so Jenn and I were booking it at a very fast walk, with a few running sprints thrown in there just for fun. :)  We got to the end, hung out and waited for the rest of the group to cross the finish line, cheering for the last person to finish.

Before heading off to dinner, we stopped for a few pics with the Davis boys because this was the last stop for Erica and we of course wanted to document how sweaty and nasty we all are, because doesn't everyone want to document that?

We walked about 30 minutes and finally made it to a GW dining hall and it was quite delicious.  The end came way too soon and then it was back to Erica's to sleep and then get up at the butt crack of dawn to drive back to Richmond and work.  What a great and positive way to end 27 and I'm so glad I was able to celebrate that with Jenn, Erica and the Do Life family.  Atlanta is up this weekend and I hope to see you there!!

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