Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Old habits die hard

You know what's interesting about grocery shopping?  You get in habits and you just kind of go through the store on cruise control.  Today I went to the fancy, new Kroger at Short Pump and I realized quite a few things. 

Nutritionists will tell you to stick to the outside of the grocery store for the healthiest, most natural food and the great thing about the new Kroger is the the outside "aisles" are loaded with LOTS of yummy, delicious options AND it is a pretty far distance from the inner aisles and processed foods.  Now don't get me wrong, I eat packaged foods, I can't stick to just the outsides but I try to at least eat some natural foods.  As I was searching for the bagel thins, I came upon my weakness of sweets like Swiss Rolls and oatmeal pies.  The interesting point to all of this is I realized how much I was into my old routine - when I wanted to put the Swiss Rolls into my basket, I looked around and realized I was in the front of the store which is a very open area that can be seen from almost all sides of the store.  That's when it hit me - I was ashamed of what I was about to do.  I know I don't need that trigger food in my house when I'm trying to get back on track, yet there I was.  So I quickly turned my cart around and went to the next aisle.  It amazed me how I was so comfortable with my normal Kroger because my yummy, "bad" foods were in an area in the back of the store, so I could quietly slip the food into my cart, go to the self-checkout and no one would be the wiser I just bought a box of something I swore I wouldn't buy again after the last time I devoured a box.  What have I learned?  I think I need to get out of my comfort zone - try new grocery stores, new floor plans that keep me honest and be more aware of what I'm doing.

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